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Beer and music pairings: 3 of our favorite matches!




Music and beer go hand in hand. Both drinking and enjoying music are sensorial experiences, so the affinity between the two is not surprising.
Enjoying a beer at a show is an absolute classic, while some music is supposedly best enjoyed when slightly tipsy or even completely drunk! Have you ever tried matching your favorite records with a nice brew? Here are some of our favorites records to drink beer to!
Friends and (craft) beer. What else?
Photograph by Yutacar via Unsplash
“Have you ever tried matching your favorite records with a nice brew?
  • Bruce Springsteen – Born In The USA.

This all-American classic requires all-American beer. Bruce Springsteen managed to hit it big with this album, bringing his music to a global mainstream audience. However, he never transcended his working class origins and humble personality as an artist. Enjoy this album with an iconic American lager: we suggest Narragansett LagerLawnmower LagerDorothy’s New World Lager.


  • Tom Waits – Mule Variations.

Tom Waits is a true mercurial genius, an artist who set out to re-invent himself  frequently, always creating textural and innovative music. One of his best albums, “Mule Variations” is an amazing collection of lo-fi garage, blues, folk and rock. Wait’s cavernous voice and the gritty production aesthetic of the album make for a dark, rich sound, even though there is an intimate soft edge underneath the grittiness. Pair this album with a great aromatic dark stout! What to drink? Toppling Goliath Mornin’ Delight  (Imperial Stout) | Three Floyds Dark Lord Russian Imperial Stout (Bourbon Barrel Aged) | Russian River Pliny the Younger (Imperial Stout).


  • D’Angelo & The Vanguard – Black Messiah.

D’Angelo is an acclaimed neo-soul artist who truly revolutionized the way people think of the genre in this day and age. Far from the over-produced electro / pop / soul you hear on the radio, D’Angelo teamed up with classy musicians to create eclectic and forward-thinking records that channel the spirit of greats like Prince or James Brown. Enjoy his recent album, “Black Messiah” with a fruity, aromatic and clear beer, just like a great weissbier! Live Oak Hefe WeizenSide Launch Wheat | Queen City Hefeweizen.


Passion #BeCraftBePassion